Color Free

Color free is a color corrector, able to remove completely or partially the oxidation dye, leaving the hair soft and hydrated. After the color correction process, a new color can be applied to the hair. It does not contain hydrogen peroxide or ammonia.

How To Use It

For A Total Correction Of Color:

  1. Apply on dry hair.
  2. Mix, in a plastic bowl, two equal quantities of REPAIR COLOR SYSTEM 1 and 2 wearing suitable gloves.
  3. Shake the product from 50 seconds to 1 minute and use it very quickly.
  4. After the application, cover all hair with a plastic hair cap and let act till 20 minutes doing frequently locks control test.
  5. Rinse hair with shampoo for 3-5 minutes. 6 If necessary, repeat this procedure 2or 3 times maximum, If the color is not sufficiently removed.

For A Parcial Correction Of Color:

  1. Apply on damp towel dried hair.
  2. Mix 10ml of REPAIR COLOR SYSTEM 1 and 10ml of REPAIR COLOR 2 plus 30ml of delicate shampoo, wearing always suitable gloves.
  3. Use the product only on those areas that need to be lightened and work until you obtain a foam.
  4. In order to determine a processing time it is important to do several locks control test.
  5. When desired ton is reached, wash thoroughly your hair with a shampoo.
Professionals Only
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Item #: L16834
Availability: In Stock
Usually ships In 1-2 Business Days

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